The path to funding

Funding and selection criteria

Project sponsors in the district of Wunsiedel i. F. should contact the LAG office. The project idea is discussed together with the LAG management and advice is given on eligibility for LEADER funding. It is helpful if the project sponsor provides the LAG management with a project description in advance of the consultation.

If the project is classified as eligible for funding under the LEADER funding framework, further preparatory steps must be taken in addition to the project description in order to fulfill the relevant requirements and achieve “application maturity”, e.g. cost and financing plan based on offers.

As soon as the application has reached this level of maturity, the project is submitted to the LAG’s decision-making body for evaluation and a decision. If this decision is positive, the project sponsor can use this decision to submit a LEADER funding application to the Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, which is responsible for the LEADER program. This then checks and approves the funding. In practice, the projects are closely coordinated with the Office for Agriculture in advance, so that funding can usually be expected after a positive LAG decision and compliance with the necessary formalities

Grafik über den Prozessablauf
LEADER 2014-2020/22

Projects that are funded via LEADER must be clearly assigned to at least one development and action objective of the Local Development Strategy (LES) and make a measurable contribution. The following requirements must also be met

  • Location of the project in the LAG area
  • Sponsorship secured
  • Costs transparent and appropriate
  • (Co-)financing secured
  • Concept for sustainable financial viability
  • Positive decision by the LAG decision-making body

Using the checklist of project selection criteria, the LAG decision-making body checks and evaluates the project description ready for application and decides on funding for the project.

Standard funding rates for LEADER projects in the district of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge:

  • 60 %: other projects
  • 70 %: Cooperation projects
  • 80 %: transnational cooperation projects
  • 40 %: productive projects of any kind
  • Minimum funding: € 3,000
  • Maximum funding: € 200,000

Value added tax is not eligible for funding. The applicant must provide at least 10% of the requested eligible expenditure from their own funds. Funding is provided as a grant / partial funding.

Projects may not be started before approval is granted. In individual cases, the approval authority may approve an early start to the project.

The central contacts for the LEADER funding program are the LEADER coordinators. More information on LEADER in Bavaria can be found on the website of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. All the necessary information sheets and forms required for applying for LEADER projects are available there.

Please always download forms and information sheets directly from the website of the State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry to ensure that you are working with the latest version.

LEADER 2023-2027

Projects that are funded via LEADER must contribute to at least one development objective of the Local Development Strategy (LES). The following requirements must also be met:

  • Location of the project in the LAG area; if implemented wholly or partly outside the LAG area, the project must serve the LAG area
  • Sponsorship secured
  • Costs transparent and reasonable
  • (Co-)financing secured (pre-financing required))
  • Concept for sustainable financial viability
  • Positive decision by the LAG decision-making body

Using the checklist of project selection criteria, the LAG decision-making body checks and evaluates the project description ready for application and decides on funding for the project. The project is assessed according to the following criteria

  • Compliance with the objectives in the LES
  • Contribution to further development goals
  • Contribution to further action goals
  • Degree of citizen and / or stakeholder participation
  • Benefit for the LAG area
  • Innovation content
  • Networked approach between partners and / or sectors and / or projects
  • Contribution to mitigating climate change or adapting to its effects
  • Contribution to environmental, resource and / or nature conservation
  • Contribution to safeguarding services of general interest or improving the quality of life
  • Promotion of regional value creation
  • Contribution to social cohesion

Standard funding rates for LEADER projects in the district of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge:

  • 60 %: other projects
  • 70 %: Cooperation projects, also transnational
  • 40 %: productive projects of any kind
  • Minimum funding: € 7,000
  • Maximum funding: € 250,000 (for cooperation projects per LAG, but max. € 1.5 million in total)

Value added tax is not eligible for funding. The applicant must provide at least 10% of the requested eligible expenditure from their own funds. Funding is provided as a grant / pro rata financing.

Projects may not be started before approval is granted. In individual cases, the approval authority may approve an early start to the project.

The central contacts for the LEADER funding program are the LEADER coordinators. More information on LEADER in Bavaria can be found on the website of the Bavarian State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. All the necessary information sheets and forms required for applying for LEADER projects are available there.

Please always download forms and information sheets directly from the website of the State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry to ensure that you are working with the latest version.

Support for civic engagement

In the sense of a regional fund, the LAG supports non-competitive measures by local actors:

  • Upon informal written request, the measures applied for are assessed by the decision-making body according to their contribution to the fulfillment of one or more development goals and the support of civic engagement in the region. An average score of at least 1.5 points is deemed to be an endorsement of the support.
  • Beneficiaries can be both private and legal entities.
  • Municipal corporations as well as individuals, associations, companies, institutions and organizations pursuing party-political goals are excluded
  • The possible measures must serve at least one development objective of the LES.
  • Each measure must strengthen civic engagement in the region or support civic engagement.
  • Funding is available for measures that primarily serve children and young people aged 0 to 27 or were developed with the participation of this target group
  • The amount of support is 100% of the proven net costs for the implementation of an individual measure.
  • Minimum funding: € 250
  • Maximum funding: € 2,500
  • The “Regulations for the civic engagement support project” provide the framework within which financial support can be grante
  • The “Agreement on objectives for the implementation of an individual measure as part of the project “Support for civic engagement” must be completed by each applicant.
  • The funding notice should be used in A4 format for infrastructure or construction projects or the purchase of material objects, and in the appropriate size for websites and information and communication material.

Office of the LAG

Landratsamt Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge, Zimmer 2.10
Jean-Paul-Str. 9, 95632 Wunsiedel

Telefon: 09232/80-666
Fax: 09232/80-9666

Dates and news


Christine Lauterbach

Tel: 09232 80-666

Der Förderhinweis beinhaltet den Hinweis auf die finanzielle Unterstützung durch die Europäische Union und den Freistaat Bayern.