LEADER Action Group
The LEADER Action Group (LAG) Fichtelgebirge-Innovativ shapes the regional development process in the district of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge by initiating, supporting or planning and implementing projects itself with the help of the EU LEADER funding program.
Its work is based on the Local Development Strategy (LES), which was developed together with numerous citizens from the Fichtelgebirge region. In addition to the development and action goals for the region, the strategy contains project proposals that will be implemented in the current LEADER funding period.
Through its work, the LAG also promotes civic engagement and inter-municipal cooperation and supports stakeholders in the region in the implementation of innovative project ideas.
LEADER in Bavaria
With the EU LEADER program, Bavaria supports its rural regions on the path to self-determined and independent development. LEADER is the abbreviation of the French terms: Liaison entre les actions de développement de l’économie rurale; In English: Link between actions to develop the rural economy.
LEADER is a proven instrument for promoting innovative ideas and projects that contribute significantly to the development and strengthening of rural areas. Key elements of LEADER are networking, sustainability, value creation and citizen participation – in line with the motto: citizens shape their home region.
The focus is on the Local Action Groups (LAGs). They are partnerships of municipal, economic, private, social and other stakeholders in the region. The LAGs are responsible for the development and implementation of the Local Development Strategy (LES) in their region – including the selection of projects to be funded via LEADER.
Funding is available for the creation of a LES, projects to implement the LES, cross-regional and transnational cooperation projects between LAGs and for LAG management. The amount of funding is determined by the LEADER guidelines

Christine Lauterbach
LEADER Action Group
E-Mail: christine.lauterbach@landkreis-wunsiedel.de
Tel: 09232 80-666