
Better together

Join us in the Fichtelgebirge

Getting active in the Fichtelgebirge made easy! Our ambassadors are leading the way – we offer projects and platforms that encourage people to get involved. 


Die Botschafter des Fichtelgebirges

We need your commitment!

Take a look at how you can help us promote the uniqueness and special features of our region. There is a lot to tell about our successful entrepreneurs, the fascinating natural landscape of the Fichtelgebirge and the fact that life here doesn’t just have to be a vacation, but can become everyday life!

Freiraum Fichtelgebirge

Join in!

“Freiraum Fichtelgebirge” is a project by Fichtelgebirglers for Fichtelgebirglers, which thrives on a strong participatory process. Many “hands-on activities” are intended to help the project achieve the desired attention and address precisely where there is a need for action.

Impressionen der Aktion Mein schönster Fichtelfleck

Participation platform

Get involved!

Take a look at what ideas your fellow human beings are working on and share your ideas with us. Here you can exchange ideas and get involved.


Werner fordert zum Mitmachen auf Social Media auf

Like, share, post, link, forward

Share our messages with your friends and show them what we have in store for everyone in the Fichtelgebirge. And the more people follow us, the more we can respond to your suggestions, so we understand each other better every day. Because together we get further.

Digital stamp imprint

We provide you with the integration of a button for your e-mail communication. Please contact us for more information!

To touch and pass on

Are you an online retailer? Then include information about the Fichtelgebirge in the form of business cards, stickers or brochures in your parcels.

Sticks and stays stuck

Order bumper stickers with the #freiraumfürmacher motif for your own car or company car now. Contact us for information on sizes, designs and costs.


Cosima Benker
Regionalmanagement/Freiraum für Macher

Tel: 09232 80-549

Katharina Becher
Regional identity

Tel: 09232 80-485