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Hergehört – the young podcast from the Fichtelgebirge

The name “Hergehört” can be taken quite literally, because the podcast of the municipal youth work of the Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge district youth welfare office aims to do just that. In just under 45 minutes, guests from the district are regularly invited who have something to say on “young” topics. Either the people are still young themselves, or they help shape the lives of young Fichtelgebirglers through their work, or both.

“Hergehört” tells the stories behind the many players in the district who make the “Freiraum für Macher:innen” what it is. Svenja Faßbinder, municipal youth worker in the district, goes in search of the background and motives behind why people – whether in their job or as volunteers – get involved in the region and work for the common good.

Click here for the podcast: