Promoting & shaping health


The Gesundheitsregionplus Landkreis Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge is one of 72 project regions currently funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care (BayStMGP). It is scientifically monitored and supported by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL). The municipal office for medical care is also based there. The Health Regionsplus are primarily dedicated to the fields of health promotion and prevention as well as healthcare.

Gesundheitsregionenplus is a funding program of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care for rural districts and independent towns. The district of Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge has been one of the Health Regionsplus in Bavaria since April 1, 2016.

The aim is to promote medical care and healthcare/prevention in the region, to improve the health of the population, particularly with regard to equal health opportunities, and to increase the health-related quality of life. To this end, local stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the healthcare system are to be more closely networked and needs-based projects are to be developed and implemented with the various local stakeholders. As the structures of health care, prevention and health promotion vary from region to region, local optimization with knowledge of regional and municipal characteristics is crucial.

For this purpose, an office was set up in the Wunsiedel district office in the Fichtelgebirge.

Scholarship programs

Medical Journey

As part of the creation of the new district development concept for the district of Wunsiedel im Fichtelgebirge in connection with the Smart City funding program, the “MedizinerJourney” project was created; in short, it includes the support of medical students from the beginning of their studies, including a scholarship, up to their possible establishment as a family doctor in the district.

Grafik zur Bewerbung von Medezinstudenten mit einer Studentin als Ärztin dargestellt


Kneipp cycle path

Kneipp’s health teachings in the Fichtelgebirge:
A healthy soul only lives in a healthy body
Kneipp’s natural healing methods are an integral part of naturopathy and are used in many areas. The main focus is on maintaining health, i.e. prevention, and the interaction of body and mind.


Mobility services for patients can also make an important contribution to improving medical care. If there is a lack of good public transport connections at a local level, patients will also lack access to the nearest GP or specialist practice, for example.

Weg zur Kur – CESTA DO LÁZNÍ

The practical dictionary is funded by the EU program Objective ETC Free State of Bavaria – Czech Republic 2014 – 2020 (INTERREG
V) program.

Health regionplus

The district of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge is one of several project regions funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care. It is scientifically monitored and supported by the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety. The municipal office for medical care is also based there. The aim is to establish comprehensive, interdisciplinary healthcare.

The most important thing in life

The aim of the funding program for the project regions is to promote medical care and preventive healthcare, to improve the health status of the population, particularly with regard to equal health opportunities, and to increase the health-related quality of life. To this end, local stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the healthcare system are to be more closely networked and needs-based projects are to be developed and implemented with the various local stakeholders. As the structures of health care, prevention and health promotion vary from region to region, local optimization with knowledge of regional and municipal characteristics is crucial.

Goals of the Health regionplus

Development of tailor-made solutions taking into account local characteristics

Regional networks to improve the health of the population and optimize healthcare provision

Greater efficiency and quality in the healthcare system through improved networking of prevention and care services and stakeholders

Targeted cross-sectoral cooperation on site through suitable communication and coordination structures

The Health Forum

The core of the Health regionplus, the central management and steering instrument, is the Health Forum. It is a professionally competent body made up of the relevant regional players in the healthcare sector and deals with key policy-relevant topics relating to health promotion and healthcare. The meetings of the Health Forum take place at least once a year.

The working groups

Working groups are set up to work on projects that are approved by the Health Forum. These groups are made up of the stakeholders and experts responsible for the respective topic area. These working groups discuss specific problems and develop proposals for solutions, which are then presented to the Health Forum.

Working groups are set up via the health forums when health problems need to be dealt with more intensively and on a long-term basis. All project regions set up at least one working group each for health promotion and prevention and for health care issues. However, other topics, such as issues of cross-border medical care, health tourism, the health economy, health in old age or education and training in medical professions can also be anchored in working groups.

On site

Health regionplus office

Jean-Paul-Straße 9
95632 Wunsiedel
Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 12:00

Tasks of the offices

  • Organization and coordination of the Health regionplus
  • Preparation of meetings in consultation with the chairpersons and moderators (e.g. setting the agenda, preparing meeting minutes)
  • Transfer of information between the committees
  • Monitoring the implementation of the implementation plan to ensure results by means of semi-annual progress reports
  • Supporting the working groups set up (supporting the planning, decision-making and implementation processes, including the definition of goals and outcomes as part of the implementation plan)
  • Monitoring the initiated projects


Martina Busch
Head of the Health regionplus office

Tel: 09232 80-115

Nina Ziesel
Head of the Health regionplus office

Tel: 09232 80-508

Fields of work


Health promotion
