Showing initiative and leading the way
We …
… want to convert the vehicle fleet of local authorities and the district to electromobility.
… have purchased a BMW i3 and a Renault ZOE for use in the district office.
… have drawn up the electromobility concept.
… have created an energy and climate protection advice center with events for renovators and building owners.
… take part in the Germany-wide Fairtrade-Kreis campaign.
… and are taking part – alongside all other cities and municipalities in the Nuremberg metropolitan region – in the CO2 fasting relay
Climate protection management

We bear responsibility
Climate protection management has the task of implementing the package of climate protection measures adopted by the district council of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge. This makes it the central contact and service point for climate protection, energy efficiency and renewable energies. In addition to public relations and information work, the focus is on climate protection projects in the district’s municipalities.
Sustainable procurement
Always keeping an eye on the environment
Paper, pens, folders, furniture and much more – in 2023, around 84 percent of the office supplies used in the district office already bore a sustainability seal. This is certainly a role model, which is why the district has already been presented as an example of best practice by the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. The aim is to continue to improve this rate.

This process was officially launched in fall 2019 when we joined the Fair Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and made the associated commitment to focus on sustainable products in our procurement. A lot has happened since then. As a first step, climate protection manager Jürgen Kromer trained two departments that had already demonstrated an affinity for this topic: internal procurement and building management. In a second step, a survey was carried out in all departments of the office to further sound out existing interest, demand and the level of expenditure. The results of this survey are now available and show that there is a strong willingness within the company to continue along this path.
Integriertes Klimaschutzkonzept
Integrated climate protection concept
Every project is preceded by a well thought-out concept
Thanks to the involvement of local stakeholders, this climate protection concept is closely linked to our region. The awareness of our citizens for environmental and climate protection was further strengthened through direct participation in the creation of the concept. Data was collected and evaluated on a broad basis and recommendations for action were developed that can help us all in the area of climate protection and the careful and conscious use of energy.
(Excerpt from the integrated climate protection concept)