
for makers

Want more for your money?

Why chase excessive prices in metropolitan areas when there is another way? A recent study by the German Economic Institute (IW) has officially confirmed: The district of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge is one of the top 5 purchasing power regions in Germany! The ratio between income and cost of living is just right here – and that means more money in your pocket with the same quality of life & plenty of opportunies for your dreams.

Explore everything the Fichtelgebirge has to offer!


12 reasons for a better work-life balance


Affordable living space

Large-scale living at a low price. With us, the dream of affordable living becomes reality.

Affordable building plots

The average price for a fully developed building plot in the Fichtelgebirge starts at € 30.00/m²

Over 30,000 volunteers

In the Fichtelgebirge, one in two people is involved in voluntary work and almost everyone is a member of an association.

Safety & security

Use your freedom and still live in safety. The Fichtelgebirge is one of the safest regions in Germany.


From forest kindergarten to 24-hour daycare. Early childhood education is very important to us.


From elementary school to university. In the Fichtelgebirge you can reach all educational institutions in around 30 minutes.

Quality of life

Work-life balance is a way of life in the Fichtelgebirge. We have plenty of space to live, work and enjoy.


The Fichtelgebirge loves and respects its environment and its unique natural treasures, thus shaping the German natural landscape.

Commercial areas

The perfect economic region: optimal transport connections, proximity to international airports and a good communications infrastructure.

Second-highest industrial density in Europe

From networked Industry 4.0 to traditional artists’ workshops, the Fichtelgebirge has it all.

600 apprenticeships available every year

We have numerous companies that are always looking for interested trainees and qualified young talent.

Funding rates
up to 45%

The Fichtelgebirge is a business location with over 150 years of industrial culture.

Our makers

Many companies and entrepreneurs have already been able to write their own success stories in the Fichtelgebirge.
Here we present some of them.

Carolin & Jörg Kammerer

Marco Knott

Franz Poschenrieder

Feel like it? Find your own space!

Cities & municipalities

District of Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge


Katharina Becher
Regional identity

E-Mail: katharina.becher@landkreis-wunsiedel.de
Tel: 09232 80-485

Cosima Benker
Project manager Freiraum für Macher

E-Mail: cosima.benker@landkreis-wunsiedel.de
Tel: 09232 80-549

Anke Fähnrich
Media officer

E-Mail: anke.faehnrich@landkreis-wunsiedel.de
Tel: 09232 80-540