Bicycle buses

Cycle buses in the EgroNet region

From May to October, you can use various cycle bus routes in the EgroNet region. The EgroNet ticket includes one bike per person.

You can find the current timetables on the providers’ websites or here in the “Timetable” section. Please check the departure times in advance – sometimes it is necessary to book in advance. Please note that the EgroNet ticket does not guarantee entitlement to bicycle transport.

Frankenwald- und Fichtelgebirge mobil (in the district of Hof, district of Kulmbach, district of Wunsiedel)

The Frankenwald-mobil and Fichtelgebirge-mobil network connects the Frankenwald and Fichtelgebirge tourist regions with bicycle bus routes and train lines.

The EgroNet ticket is recognized on the following cycle bus routes:

• Tälerlinie: Kronach – Bad Steben – Hof (normal and construction site timetable)
• Hochfrankenwaldlinie: Kulmbach – Bad Steben
• Main-Eger-Linie: Marktredwitz – Weißenstadt – Bischofsgrün – Kulmbach
• Seenlinie: Hof – Weißenstadt (- Bad Steben)
• Fichtelgebirgslinie: (Hof -) Weißenstadt – Bad Steben
• Porzellanlinie: Selb – Wunsiedel – Fichtelberg
• Thüringer Meer-Linie: Nordhalben – Bad Lobenstein – Saalburg – Schleiz
• Radlbus Fichtelgebirge: Bayreuth – Bad Berneck – Bischofsgrün – Fichtelberg

The lines run from May 1 to October 3 on all Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Cycle bus on the Bockl cycle path (Neustadt a. d. Waldnaab)

Bicycle bus shuttle on Bavaria’s longest railroad cycle path Weiden-Vohenstrauß-Eslarn and back:
From May 1 to October 31, the Bockl cycle path shuttle bus with bike trailer runs on the Weiden-Vohenstrauß-Eslarn route at weekends and on public holidays – even daily during the Bavarian Whitsun and summer vacations.
and back! You can get on and off in Weiden/Bahnhof, Vohenstrauß, Moosbach and Eslarn in both directions, at weekends you can also get off in Neustadt/WN. (advance booking is recommended).

Cycle bus route:

  • NWN bus line no. 6291, Weiden – Vohenstrauß – Waidhaus / Moosbach – Eslarn

Further information:
Service telephone: +49 (0) 180 1726934 or +49 (0) 961 481680 (Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm, Saturdays from 7 am to 12 noon)

Hiking and cycling bus in Rennsteig-Saaleland (Saale-Orla district)

The buses take you to the starting points of the most beautiful cycle tours in the area or back home in comfort after a strenuous excursion. There is space for five bikes on the bike racks at the rear of the buses, and two more bikes can be transported inside the buses. Registration on the service telephone is recommended.

Cycle bus routes:

  • 610 Schleiz- Bad Lobenstein- Lehesten- Brennersgrün
  • 710 Schleiz- Gefell- Hirschberg
  • 810 Schleiz- Auma- Mittelpöllnitz
  • 820 zwischen Schleiz- Moßbach- Neustadt- Stanau

Further information:
The buses run with bicycle trailers with space for 15 bicycles / or bicycle racks for 5 bicycles (registration required by calling the service telephone on 03671-5251999 by 12:00 noon on Fridays) from April 9 to October 31; registration deadline is Friday before weekends and one working day before public holidays at 12:00 noon.
Service telephone: +49 (0) 180 3337287 or +49 (0) 3671 525190

CykloEGRENSIS-buses (Karlovy Vary region)

Vom 26. Mai 2020 bis 28. SepFrom May 26, 2020 to September 28, 2020, bicycle buses called “CykloEGRENSIS” will be on the road at weekends in the Karlovy Vary region. Bicycles are transported on special trailers with different capacities. The EgroNet ticket is recognized on these lines.

The following lines are offered by Autobus Karlovy Vary a.s:

  • Red line 411230
    from Cheb/Eger via Sokolov/Falkenau, Karlovy Vary/Karlsbad, Boži Dar/Gottesgab to Klínovec/Keilberg (Ore Mountains)
    –> runs on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • Yellow line 481902
    from Sokolov/Falkenau via Chodov/Chodau, Nejdek/Neudek, Horní Blatná/Bergstadt Platten to Boži Dar/Gottesgab (Ore Mountains, along the river Rolava/Rohlau)
    –> runs on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
  • Orange line 348
    through the Egerland from Cheb/Eger via Aš/Asch, Bad Elster, Adorf, Klingenthal to Kraslice/Graslitz, through the Přebuz/Frühbuß Nature Park to Nejdek/Neudek
    –> runs on Saturdays
  • Blue line 421231
    from Sokolov via Karlovy Vary and Bochov to Valeč, between the Střela river and the Vladař mountain
    –> departs every last Saturday of the month
  • Turquoise Line 411005
    from Mariánské Lázně / Marienbad via Cheb/ Eger to Aš/ Asch
    –> runs on Saturdays
  • Green Line
    from Karlovy Vary via Loket/Elbogen, Sokolov/Falkenau, Prameny/Sangerberg to Bečov nad Teplou/Petschau (Kaiserwald)
    –>travels only on advance booking under: with details of the day of travel and number of people

Other bus lines with bicycle transport in the Karlovy Vary region
Regional bus line number:

  • 411380  Mariánské Lázně -Prameny
  • 481630 Sokolov-Loket-Horní Slavkov-Krásno-Bečov n.Teplou-Nová Ves u Bečov

    A maximum of 5 bicycles can be transported here.
Werner telefoniert am Bürgerservice im Landratsamt Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge


Phone: 09232-80 699
Mail: mobilitä

Service times::

Monday to Thursday: 9:00 to 17:00
Friday: 9:00 to 15:00

Contact us

Johannes Loos
Mobility manager

Tel: 09232 80-488

Team Freiraum Fichtelgebirge: Mitarbeiter Johannes Loos

Benjamin Fischer
Mobility manager

Tel: 09232 80-486

Dennis Fricken
Mobility managerr

Tel: 09232 80-447

Mitarbeiterfoto Dennis Fricken