Digital cultural participation platform

Culture at a click

KULTNAVI Fichtelgebirge is a platform that makes culture a digital experience, improves the possibility of cultural participation and creates a digital central point of contact for cultural consumers and cultural professionals in the district of Wunsiedel i.F.. The platform is intended to make cultural offerings more easily accessible for all citizens and strengthen the visibility and networking of culture and its stakeholders both internally and externally. It also aims to promote cooperation between institutions in the district and cultural professionals.

Are you a culture maker in the Fichtelgebirge?

Present yourself and your offer on your individual provider page. And increase your visibility and at the same time the cultural diversity in the Fichtelgebirge. Network with other regional art and cultural players.

–> Show yourself here and simply join in!

Experience culture digitally

This project is being implemented under the motto “Experience culture digitally” as part of the “Smart Fichtelgebirge” project of the district of Wunsiedel i.F. and is anchored in the district development concept and prioritized measure in the LEADER project “#freiraum für Kultur Fichtelgebirge 2030”.


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Cultural profile for cultural players

The digital cultural participation platform is intended to offer cultural professionals in the Fichtelgebirge region the opportunity to create a profile, similar to a business card, with all the important information and offers.

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Cultural exchange

The focus of the digital cultural participation platform is on the socio-cultural aspect. The Kulturbörse is an exchange platform for cultural players and consumers.

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Cultural events

The cultural events provide an overview of events in the Fichtelgebirge cultural region. They are linked to existing systems such as the FichtelApp.

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Video platform for cultural actors & consumers

In order to make culture a digital experience, a video platform is being integrated into the digital cultural participation platform. Cultural players can put their offerings online, link them to their cultural profile and cultural consumers can enjoy culture from the Fichtelgebirge region regardless of time and place.

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FAQ for cultural players

Cultural players can find important questions and answers about funding programs and further education on the platform’s FAQ pages.


Werner mit einem Mitmachen Schild in der Hand am Straßenrand mitten im Wald

In a participatory process in the form of workshops, cultural professionals and interested parties are invited to contribute to the digital cultural participation platform KULTNAVI Fichtelgebirge. Working groups are formed with representatives of relevant groups, such as associations, artists, museums or initiatives from the cultural sector. Among other things, the platform offers cultural professionals the opportunity to present themselves, publish their offers and exchange ideas with other stakeholders.

The KULTNAVI Fichtelgebirge pilot system will be tested by a selected group of users before the digital cultural participation platform is made available to all cultural stakeholders and consumers in spring 2025.

Werner sitzt in einem Atelier


Christina Heydenreich M.A.
Project management CULTNAVI Fichtelgebirge

Tel: 09232 80189